Thursday, April 24, 2008

Other News

I've been playing Final Fantasy III ever since I defeated Phoenix Wright game. I have to admit I think it's a classic game remade but they still don't change the idea of a simple man villain that turns 10X larger then you in battle. I never played the original Final Fantasy III for obvious reasons but the game itself reminds me of one of my favorite Final Fantasy's, Final Fantasy V.

When my friend Brandon first purchased this game when it first came out he told me that they have a Dragoon job class in it. I got excited about it and asked if I would be able to make a whole Dragoon party. He told me it could work if I have a lot of potions for my party.
So when I first got my jobs I was sad that there was no Dragoon to select at first. So I decided to make the main character Luneth, a monk to make the game have irony that Luneth as a Monk looks like Locke from Final Fantasy VI.

So after the Water Crystal later I now have a Dragoon party and it's actually pretty strong party too. At first it was hard getting enough money to buy the armor and weapons. But now my party is really strong especially against flying monsters. I am not done the game yet and hopefully understand the full storyline soon because this is a game I really can't put down at the moment.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dissidia Final Fantasy

I stumbled upon this video yesterday, I was shocked that they were actually doing something like this. Especially seeing how they already have Kingdom Hearts where the crossovers are done. But now this game seems to be crossovers of only Final Fantasy leaving out any Disney characters. From the pictures I looked up it seems to be the old Final Fantasy Characters up to 10. I didn't see any XI, XII, or XIII characters, but they did have Ultimicia which I think is really cool. She is one of my most favorite villains in the Final Fantasy series.

Not much is known about it only that it's for the PSP. I can say that it looks like something I am willing to play when it comes out.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations

I just defeated Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations, I thought the final case was really good with the plot twist and the merciless battles again and again. But sadly I still found Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All my favorite of the series.

The game play is a lot different from the other two games mostly because you can question the defendants in court with their own testimonies. Also you get a better look at Mia and Phoenix's past and learn more about them. As well as the mysterious Godot a new prosecutor to go head to head with Phoenix. The only thing I really didn't like about the game was the same mistake they made with the other two as well. I am tired of having a game over and having to read through every sentence or amuse myself with something else until I get to the part where I lost the trial at for another round. I would like some kind of fast forward button to let you speed through text instead of having to wait for their full sentence. Like they do when you already read a certain part and you can fast forward it again.

I was quite surprised when one of the cases was a thief case instead of a murder case. It was something totally new and I much welcomed and wish that the series would have more then just murders. As well as the new Canadian judge that was in some of the trials as well.

But I loved when my favorite character Franziska Von Karma made her appearances along with Miles Edgeworth. I kind of figured they would they are important characters and seeing how this game was dealing with the past and present of everything they were bound to show up sooner or later.

I am still debating at this point if I want to play Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. I am not a big fan of changing the character in any series. When it's already deep within the series and you are familiar with each character and their history and story. But I guess they wanted to take a new approach to the series. Seeing if this new remake to the game would spice things up instead of releasing the same old same old over again just with different death scenario.


At the case of the
Mask De Masque I already had a feeling I knew it was Luke Atmey behind it all. Mostly because I saw a Fillmore episode where a fake psychic would receive emails telling him about future events before they happened. It turned out to be the school reporter that was giving the tips and hints of the future upcoming events in order for the newspaper reporter to become famous for his articles about the psychics predictions. It was exactly the same where Detective Luke Atmey used Mask De Masque to go in and steal valuable items from museums and exhibits. So Detective Luke Atmey would "Retrieve" them back from Mask De Masque and become famous and with rewards of his accomplishments. But none the less the trials were still just as fun.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hitman Unrated

I just watched the Hitman movie that I bought a while ago, it cost me twenty five dollars and it came with Hitman Blood Money for PC. I already had the game for PS2 but very sadly my Playstation is out of commission until I am able to find an AC Power cord for it. I wouldn't mind having Hitman Blood Money for PC, would be able to use a cheat to fool around and be able to see hidden events that were sadly taken out of the console versions.

Hitman Blood Money is the only Hitman game that I defeated I played the first Hitman but found the controls to be a lot more harder to use. Not to mention at times when you are running and you start to slide a little after stopping made it seem like Agent 47 was on ice.

But of coarse I knew that the movie would have little connection to the game, but I thought it was pretty good compared to a lot of movie based on games. I just wished that Agent 47 would be more in different outfits that he stole from other people. There was a deleted scene from the movie where he was in a doctor clothes and I though "Why couldn't that be in the movie?" That's what it needed was more stealth like the game and not another action like so many movies.

I also found at times the story line to be a little confusing I really didn't understand what he was doing or where he was going with it. I am usually able to keep a basic understanding of the storyline but I think it was the Russian names that made it hard to remember who was the big cheese in the movie.

If a game didn't come with the movie I probably wouldn't buy it because I would somewhat disappointed in the movie.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hideo Kojima's April Fools

Even I said WTF?!